We are aware there are residents who are impacted from the severe weather event on Sunday 1 September 2024.
This is general advice and may not apply specifically to your property. For more detailed information on your personal circumstances please contact the Rebuilding Planning Team on 9294 6999.
To build any structure, you will need to obtain a building permit. To apply for a building permit, you need to appoint a building surveyor – the permits are managed through them.
The role of the building surveyor is to ensure that your building is being built correctly. Building surveyors are professionals trained in understanding the building process. They are responsible for issuing building permits, carrying out mandatory inspections during the build process and having the authority to take enforcement action to ensure building work complies with regulatory requirements and standards.
You will need to appoint a building surveyor for any project that requires a building permit. So the surveying process remains independent, the builder can't appoint the building surveyor.
In your building permit, your building surveyor will:
A registered building surveyor is authorised to:
Council does not issue building permits, you can search for a private building surveyor on the Victorian Building Authority website.
Stay up to date with all relevant information by visiting our webpage.