Next date: Friday, 07 February 2025 | 06:30 AM to 07:30 AM
Set in the fresh air and surrounded by nature – this full-body 45-minute workout combines strength training, cardio and functional movements to help build strength, endurance and improve flexibility. Using minimal equipment, you'll tackle a mix of dynamic exercises like squats and lunges, alongside agility drills and mobility exercises. Suitable for all exercises levels, this Bootcamp class will ensure your day starts off on a fun and energetic note!
Note: Please bring your own mat.
All activities are free and don’t require bookings. Just turn up!
Meet in the main car park (near the playground).
Melba Park, Market St, Lilydale, 3140, View Map
Market St , Lilydale 3140
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This event occurs every 1 week(s) on Friday for 8 times.
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