Due to the public holiday, our community links will be closed on Monday, 10 March 2025.If you need to get in touch with Council, call 1300 368 333.
Connected, the Yarra Ranges Council's Integrated Transport Strategy is the key strategic document that guides transport planning and decision-making over the next two decades.
Connected outlines the most pressing challenges and the big moves required to make getting around in Yarra Ranges more convenient, safer and more sustainable.
Our community members have told us that while they rely on their cars they also want more public transport, with better connections between modes (such as cycling, walking and public transport), better footpaths, more walkable neighbourhoods and cycling networks separated from roads.
Connected creates the framework and direction to align transport investment and policy decisions with the aspirations the community hold for the Yarra Ranges of the future.
A well implemented Integrated Transport Strategy ensures we are all pulling in the same direction, to get the outcomes we want, to create a Yarra Ranges that is:
Connected will guide Council’s decisions around transport infrastructure for the next 20 years and is the result of expert analysis and significant community feedback.
Read the strategy document(PDF, 47MB)
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