Melaleuca parvistaminea
Rough-barked Honey-myrtle
Dense or open upright shrub or small tree. Rough scaly bark.
Additional information
- FamilyMyrtaceae
- StoreyMiddle storey
- Size2-4 m x 3-5 m
- Plant groupingTrees 3-25 m
- LeavesRough narrow leaves, either scattered or rings of 3, 4-11 mm x c. 1 mm, tip blunt. Protruding oil glands on lower surface.
- Flower colourCream
- Flowering timeOctober to December
- FlowersCovered in short dense terminal spikes to 10-25 mm x 1 cm. Small woody capsule.
- Bird attractingGeneral - food and habitat
- Butterfly attractingNectar for butterflies
- Frog habitatYes
- Growing conditionsMoist poorly drained shallow infertile soil in riparian woodland. Full sun, semi shade.
- Garden useProvide a screen or thicket in moist areas and along watercourses.
- Commercially availableUnlikely to be available within the Shire of Yarra Ranges
- Conservation statusSignificant within the Shire. Known from very few local sites. More common outside the Shire boundary.
- Aboriginal Use Oil from leaves - medicine, stem and root - clubs, nectar - drink.
- Related speciesDistinguish from Melaleuca ericifolia which suckers to form large thickets, has flaky bark, shorter but slightly wider flower spikes and indistinct oil glands on the leaves.
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: 1, 3-5 Marilyn Bull ©; 2 Ken Harris ©
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