Utricularia dichotoma
Fairies' Aprons
Terrestrial perennial herb spreading from creeping, suckering stems. Round to egg-shaped bladder-like traps 1-5mm long on stems opening on the side or base to catch tiny organisms.
Additional information
- FamilyLentibulariceae
- Size8-50 cm high
- LeavesLeaves along creeping stem and rosetted at base, narrow to spoon-shaped, to 14 cm x 5 mm.
- Flower colourMauve to dark violet with yellow throat
- Flowering timemostly August to December
- FlowersOne to several erect sprays 10-50 cm long of 1-9 2-lipped flowers 12-22 mm long. Upper lip roundish, tip rounded or notched; lower lip much larger, kite-shaped to round, 2 or more obvious yellow central ridges, violet ridges beside, spur shorter than lip.
- Bird attractingNo
- Butterfly attractingNo
- Frog habitatNo
- Growing conditionsShallow water to damp soil in heathy riparian communities. Semi shade to full shade.
- Garden useA dainty colony-forming plant for bog areas and containers.
- Commercially availableNever
- Conservation statusLocally common within its preferred growing conditions
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: 1 Helen Moss ©; 2 Richard Hartland ©; 3 Russell Best, NatureShare ©
Plant Communities