Healing in our Gardens FAQs

Why should I register for Healing in our Gardens

Registering for Healing in our Gardens has lots of benefits for you:

  • This will help us know what parts of the Healing in our Gardens program interest you most, and how we can best help you
  • It will ensure you're among the first residents to know about upcoming events and activities that meet your interests
  • It will also ensure you'll be among the first residents to hear about any new things happening in the Healing in our Gardens program
  • You'll be able to attend events, participate in activities and receive gardening resources - all for free!


When are the Healing in our Gardens free event and activity calendars available?

The bi-monthly Healing in our Gardens calendar will be released at the start of each month for details on all events and activities in the program.

The calendar will also be posted on our Healing in our Gardens What's On page and the Events section on Council's main website.

Why do some events have different registration information?

Some events we have included in our Healing in our Gardens Events and activities calendar, are organised by our local community groups or organisations. Follow the information included in our calendar on how to register for these events, directly with the community groups or organisation running the event.


How do I register to attend an event or activity included in the Healing in our Gardens calendar?

Go to the What's On section on our Healing in our Gardens Website Page to find the event or activity you want to register for. If the event has been organised by our Community Recovery team or another Yarra Ranges Council team, you can register for the event on the YRC website.

If an event has been organised by a local community group, follow the details of how to register to attend that event - which will normally involve registering to attend via the community group's website.


What if I can't make it to an event that I registered to attend?

If you need to cancel a registration more than two days prior to the event, please email the event organiser (this will be in the event information. If you are cancelling within 48 hours of an event you have registered to attend, please call the event organiser, or if you can't find those details, call our Community Recovery team - Deb on 0497 715 382 or Zac on 0418 566 893.

There is no fee for cancelling a Healing in our Gardens event you have registered for, and now can't attend. The sooner you can let us know though, the sooner we will be able to offer your place to another resident.


What if I'm not finding events of activities in the Healing in our Gardens calendar that meet my needs?

We hope that wont be the case, as the events we promote and create are informed by what impacted residents are telling us they want.

Some months might offer more events that are of interest to you, than others. We aim to include and offer a wide range of garden inspired events for all our storm impacted residents registered with the Healing in our Gardens program.

If you have any feedback for us about the program, or any events or activities you think should be included, please contact Deb Sargentson on d.sargentson@yarraranges.vic.gov.au