Transitioning age care services Published on 25 August 2021 In response to the Federal Governments ongoing aged and disability reforms, Yarra Ranges Council has been considering its future role in the new aged care system. Tagged as: , Disability services, Over 50's
Eastern Melbourne Councils shine spotlight on ageism in the workplace Published on 02 August 2021 Yarra Ranges Council is shining a spotlight on age discrimination in the workplace. Tagged as: , Over 50's
Council challenges ageism as part of National Volunteer Week Published on 17 May 2021 To acknowledge National Volunteers Week, Yarra Ranges Council wants to thank its many dedicated volunteers who give up their time to service and support the local community, many of whom are over the age of 55. Tagged as: , Council announcements, Over 50's
Tackling Ageism Together - EveryAGE Counts in Melbourne’s East Published on 07 April 2021 Yarra Ranges has an ageing community and Council is committed to tackling the issue of ageism. To that end, we have developed a joint campaign with six other councils that is designed to raise awareness about ageism, challenge the stereotypes of what it is to be older, and encourage people to speak up and take action. Tagged as: , Advocacy, Over 50's