We are aware there are residents who are impacted from the severe weather event on Sunday 1 September 2024.
Published on 15 July 2021
As a result of the Victorian lockdown and in the interest of public safety, our Community Recovery Hubs at Kalorama and Olinda will not open during the lockdown period from 11:59 pm, 15 July 2021.
We appreciate that this current lockdown is adding a new challenge to an already challenging time for many people and we encourage to reach out and seek support if you need it.
Storm recovery support is still available through Bushfire Recovery Victoria (BRV) and can be accessed by calling 1800 560 760 or via the BRV website
You can also continue to contact us for any additional information and referrals to other organisations providing support by calling 1300 368 333.
Stay up to date with all relevant information by visiting our webpage.