Freedom of information

1. Overview

The Victorian Freedom of Information (FOI) Act gives you rights to access documents held by Council, with some exemptions. Documents you can request under FOI include:

  • any document* about your personal affairs
  • any other document* that is no older than January 1, 1989

The Act also gives you the right to request any incorrect, incomplete or misleading information we hold about you be amended or removed.

FOI will not be used to process requests for documents that have been released publicly by Council, or made available (freely or for a fee) as part of a public register or another Council process. 

Are you requesting an FOI in relation to a historical or existing complaint with Council?

Before beginning a formal FOI application, you may wish to contact our Customer Liaison team at Council.

They may be able to resolve your concerns without the need for a formal FOI application. Customer Liaison serve as a bridge between our customers and various Council departments. This ensures that complex enquiries and escalated complaints are managed efficiently.

You can contact Customer Liaison by phone on 1300 368 333 or by emailing

2. How do I make a request?

You can make a request, or with written authorisation enable another person to make a request on your behalf (for example a solicitor). For your application to be valid it must:

  • be in writing (online, in person at our Community Links, or by mail)
  • clearly describe the documents you are requesting (i.e. a specific and targeted request including date ranges)
  • include a $32.70 non refundable application fee or evidence you qualify to have the fee waived or reduced (health care card, pension card, financial hardship)

Please note: additional access charges may be applied prior to the release of any documents. 

Complete a freedom of information request

3. What is the process?

Council will conduct a thorough and diligent search for the documents, assess them for any applicable exemptions, and conduct mandatory consultations and notifications of affected third parties.

We are required under the Act to respond to valid applications within 30 days; however this time frame may be extended if your application is not valid, or if a deposit is required on estimated access charges, or if Council are required to consult with third parties.

If you would like more information contact the Information Management team on 1300 368 333 or email

4. What information is not available?

The Freedom of Information Act allows us to refuse access to certain documents or parts of documents. These are referred to as exemptions, and  include:

• law enforcement information
• information protected by legal professional privilege
• information about the personal affairs of another individual
• confidential commercial information (of businesses or Council)
• information provided in confidence 
• documents which are covered by secrecy provisions in other legislation 

Your application may also be refused if it is considered 'voluminous in nature', meaning if we were to respond to the request it would interfere unreasonably with our operations or performance.

5. Application costs

The application fee of $32.70 is fixed and non-refundable. The only exception is for people suffering hardship.
If you would like us to consider reducing or waiving the fee, include evidence the fee would cause you financial hardship.

6. Access costs

Access charges relate to the costs incurred in granting access to the documents you have requested. An indication of the costs you may incur are outlined below.

  • Search charges: $24.50 per hour or part of an hour
  • Supervision or inspection charges: $24.50 per hour to be calculated per quarter hour or part of a quarter hour
  • Photocopying charges: $0.20 per black and white A4 page (other charges apply for documents larger than A4 or reproduced in colour)
  • Providing access in a form other than photocopying: (i.e, USB)

All fees and charges are exempt from GST.

If you would like more information, contact the Information Management team on 1300 368 333 or email

Complete a freedom of information request