We are aware there are residents who are impacted from the severe weather event on Sunday 1 September 2024.
Ages: Children 2+ yrs with an adult
Purpose: Homemade puff paint is fun, easy and inexpensive to make. It is simple for children to follow instructions and is a fun science experiment as well.
Qs - Why did the paint puff? Why did we need to cook it? What colours can you mix? Can you make a shape? Can you make a picture?
Extension - Mix the coloured paints. Add detail to the puffed creations with pens and pencils.
We'd love to see your creations and home based play! Share with us on Facebook at @yrfamilies #YarraRangesPlayYou can contact the YRC Family & Children’s Services team on 1300 368 333 or by email at earlyyears@yarraranges.vic.gov.au
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