Exercise By Dice
Things you'll need for this activity
Pen and paper
Your imagination
What you'll learn in this activity
Ages 2+
This activity involves physical movement, body awareness and interactions to promote health and wellbeing.
Let's play!
- Together brainstorm a number of different exercise movements. This could be star jumps, toe touches, jumping, spinning etc. Be creative and have fun exploring the different movements we can make with our bodies.
- Choose six exercises and number these from 1 to 6 on your page.
- Head outside and get started! Roll the dice and whatever number appears is the exercise everyone does.
- Take turns rolling the dice and continue until you are all puffed out.

Talking together
As above, ask questions that support your child to explore the space and look for detail. Talk about what they find, what they like, and why.
You can build on this list to add other items to find. Older children might like to write about what they see and hear, or perhaps create a drawing or painting.
We'd love to see your creations and home based play! Share with us on Facebook at @yrfamilies #YarraRangesPlay
You can contact the YRC Family & Children’s Services team on 1300 368 333 or by email at earlyyears@yarraranges.vic.gov.au